What are Greenhouse Gases?

Greenhouse gas such as CO2, are released as a result of fossil fuel combustion from energy use, heating, and transportation. These gases trap heat and contribute to climate change.

Why does it


Climate change is already impacting natural systems, infrastructure, and energy prices. For our region, it will continue to impact local air quality and cause flooding events, severe heat waves, and landslides.

What does it mean for Carnegie?

Every year, CO2 emissions result in local and global damages. Carnegie has the opportunity to develop a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the effects of climate change.


As part of a free program offered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Borough of Carnegie is developing a Climate Action Plan with ICLEI using greenhouse gas inventories collected by CONNECT. The Climate Action Plan will help us understand the sources of greenhouse gas emissions in our community and develop strategies to minimize our carbon footprint. The Borough is seeking input from community members to help guide the Climate Action Plan.



Videos Narrated by Sam Bigham

Carnegie’s LCAP vision is to become a climate-resilient community with restorative impact on natural systems beyond our borders. Carnegie will take action to reduce its carbon footprint and greenhouse emissions while enhancing resilience to climate risks through equitable economic development, meaningful stakeholder engagement, research, and innovation.

Our mission is to improve public health and well-being, mitigate climate change vulnerabilities, adapt to our changing reality, and transition Carnegie into a clean and sustainable community. We plan to build a set of initiatives to meet goals and objectives, identify stakeholders, and create a strategy for outreach and engagement.

The Borough of Carnegie will develop a Climate Action Plan according to CONNECT and PA state guidelines along with other ordinances to advise, guide and encourage municipal, residential, and commercial segments of the community to be more sustainable in their processes.

The Borough of Carnegie will demonstrate environmental leadership and help our community rise to the difficult challenge of reducing the impact of climate change by taking reasonable steps to reduce GHG emissions. Municipal operations will begin by reducing utility costs through increased energy and water efficiency.

      Reduce Emissions - 40% by 2030 / 80% by 2050

  • Increase use of renewable and efficient energy in municipal, residential, and commercial buildings.
  • Improve and encourage multi-modal transportation, increase mass transit ridership, adopt a bike strategy, explore traffic calming options, and install electric vehicles charging stations.
  • Develop a pedestrian mobility plan that creates safe connections to our parks and everyday destinations.
  • Combine stormwater management with green infrastructure and nature destinations.

      Reuse and Recycle - 50% by 2030 / 100% by 2050

  • Implement glass and electronic recycling programs.
  • Expand paper, plastic, and aluminum recycling programs.
  • Make recycling and trash receptacles easily available in public spaces and parks.
  • Improve our current recycling education web page.

      Support and Sustain

  • Create and maintain climate action website providing support and information.
  • Provide emission reduction programs and policy recommendations with updated recommendations for mitigation and adaptation options.
  • Develop strategies for grant funding, resources, implementation, and resilience.
  • Expand tree planting and rain garden programs, implement rain barrel and composting programs, preserve natural systems, and create new wildlife habitats.

      Encourage and Educate

  • Create programs and incentives to help educate and foster climate action goals within the community and work with regional and borough groups.
  • Develop and host in-person and online workshops to increase awareness of climate change impacts and provide education on mitigation/adaptation options including but not limited to renewable energy suppliers and solar co-ops.
  • Use creative and innovative in-person and online initiatives to effectively communicate our climate action message.
  • Build resiliency by helping our community prepare to address extreme weather events.


  • Energy efficiency and reduced demand
  • Increased renewable energy use
  • Energy efficiency education
  • Improved air quality
  • Water conservation
  • Enhanced land use and community design
  • Improved public health and safety
  • Clean community with green infrastructure aesthetics
  • Increased resiliency
  • Cost savings
  • Clean job promotion
  • Resource security (energy, food, water)
  • Social equity



Rainfall information compiled by Sam O'Connor

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1970 1.61 1.92 3.35 3.09 4.36 4.61 3.89 1.55 2.77 4.8 2.64 3.29 37.88
1980 1.56 1.32 5.65 2.94 4.32 4.34 6.76 5.1 1.29 2.42 2.38 1.38 39.46
1990 3.3 3.31 1.47 3.48 6.19 4.24 6.59 3.59 6 3.51 2.05 8.51 52.24
2000 1.7 2.53 2.26 3.15 5.69 5.64 6.28 3.66 3.1 2.09 1.38 2.64 40.12
2010 2.9 3.22 2.19 1.76 5.19 5.13 2.86 1.68 3.27 2.12 5.97 1.56 37.85
2015 2.25 1.55 4.01 3.95 2.72 7.34 3.61 2.29 5.08 3.34 1.38 3.04 40.56
2016 1.79 3.14 2.83 2.25 3.61 3.1 3.12 3.29 3.08 3.94 1.43 3.43 35.01
2017 3.54 1.46 5.02 3.54 5.15 3.78 6.42 2.63 0.58 4.11 4.15 1.77 42.15
2018 4.28 7.04 2.96 4.43 2.83 6.1 3.96 4.53 8.5 3.59 4.57 4.29 57.83
2019 3.06 3.97 2.37 3.44 5.96 6.42 6.92 2.45 5.34 7.19 1.65 3.52 52.46
2020 3.69 3.3 4.83 2.3 2.19 2.3 3.1 5.57 0.92 3.29 2.02 3.53 39.33
2021 2.27 2.82 3.88 2.67 3.09 4.29 3 6.41 3.93 3.84 0.88 3.45 40.53




Annual Average Per Decade
  Average Increase or Decrease in Inches
1970-79 Avg
1980-89 Avg
1990-99 Avg
2000-09 Avg
2010-19 Avg
Decade average Increase since 1970 4.285




Year Inches Year Inches Year Inches Year Inches Year Inches
1970 37.88 1980 39.46 1990 52.24 2000 40.12 2010 37.85
1971 33.22 1981 37.5 1991 32.02 2001 35.73 2011 44.24
1972 40.07 1982 32.01 1992 36.65 2002 32.33 2012 41.74
1973 39.74 1983 41.41 1993 38.26 2003 41.04 2013 36.65
1974 41.83 1984 35.32 1994 41.34 2004 57.41 2014 36.84
1975 46.42 1985 38.51 1995 28.89 2005 41.23 2015 40.56
1976 31.78 1986 37.4 1996 45.47 2006 34.9 2016 35.01
1977 33.2 1987 39.2 1997 34.57 2007 40.7 2017 42.15
1978 37.78 1988 27.09 1998 34.21 2008 39.69 2018 57.83
1979 40.56 1989 42.51 1999 36.21 2009 32.84 2019 52.46
                2020 39.33
                2021 40.53


Climate Action Task Force

  • Paige Bevan
  • Sam Bigham
  • Melissa D'Loss
  • Richard D'Loss
  • Kevin Dole
  • Mac Johnson
  • Alicia Kesneck
  • Peter Mullins
  • Sam O'Connor
  • Amanda O'Keefe
  • Crystal Sickles
  • Gina Thornberg
  • Deneen Underwood
  • Mary Zuccaro


  • PA Climate Action Plan
  • PA DEP
  • PRC
  • NASA
  • Earth.org
  • UNEP
  • Climate.gov
  • NOAA
  • Carnegie Shade Tree Commission



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