Carnegie Crawl
ALL YEAR! read

Second Friday of every month
Stop at any business with �Carl� the Snail in the window to pick
up a map and the Post Gazette insert listing the specials. The
map will have all the participating businesses along with any
special music events.
Carnegie Volunteer Fire Department 5K Walk/Run
Annually in April.
Memorial Day
The Sunday
before Memorial Day on Main Street.
First Sunday in June at Carnegie Park. Hosted by Cristy Crawshaw.
Farmers Market
East Main Parking Lot in the summer.
Independence Day
Held in Carnegie Park. Date varies.
Carnegie Police Department Car Cruise
Held in August. Sunday Date TBA.
Open Streets
Held on East & West Main Streets in September. Date varies. Trail of Terror
Every October in Carnegie Park.
Annual Children's
Halloween Promenade
Saturday before Halloween on East Main Street Bridge.
Carols & Lights
Friday following Thanksgiving at the Carnegie Municipal Buildling - carols, tree lighting, Santa, cookies, and more.
Santa Comes to
Saturday following Thanksgiving at the Andrew Carnegie Free
Library. |