Leaf, Yard
and Tree Trimming Collection.
NO GRASS clippings
are collected at any time. The Carnegie Department of Public Works collects
leaves curbside on a weekly basis. Leaves
Only! Twigs, sticks and branches clog the leaf collection equipment.
Please rake your leaves to the curb -- NOT
INTO THE STREET -- as this
can create a slippery situation for vehicles and/or create a storm water
management problem. Final curbside leaf pickup is November 30. All leaves must be bagged after that date.

Residents may place leaves and bagged yard waste at
the curb, but only in proper paper lawn/leaf bags.
Bushes, hedges and tree trimmings MUST be
Residents should call the
Department of Public Works at (412) 276-0111 to schedule pickup of yard residue.
Plastic bags or sacks are acceptable containers provided the bags are designated
for waste disposal NOT LEAVES. Plastic bags must be strong enough to maintain physical
integrity when lifted. The bags shall be securely tied at the top for
collection, and a capacity of not more than 30 gallons or loaded weight of not
more than 35 pounds. Yard waste shall be drained free of liquids before being
placed in proper bags. NO garbage
or other putrid waste can be included. Bags must be securely wrapped and/or
properly tied.
