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Telephone: 412.276.1414   
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm   
                INFORMATION . . .
Chartiers Valley District Flood Control Authority Click Here
Approximately 75% of Presidential declared weather emergencies are flood related.



Currently, we have no information that indicates that flooding will occur in Carnegie Borough; however, we continue to monitor the possible affect of precipitation and snow melt on our community very closely. Although flooding in Carnegie is not predicted or imminent at this time, we encourage all residents to take some simple steps to prepare for and to respond to any potential emergency that may occur.

1) Prepare an emergency supply kit
2) Make a family emergency plan
3) Keep informed of current and potential conditions via news broadcasts, etc.

To the right are some links to information about how you can be prepared.


Carnegie Borough Council
Mayor Stacie Riley
Borough Manager Steve Beuter
Chief Jeffrey L. Kennedy


Flood and Flash Flood Preparedness
How to Prevent Flood Damage
Flooding and Sewage Back-ups: Home Care Guide
Flood Safety Guide from Basement Guides

Flood Preparedness Resources from PublicHealthCorps.org
Preparing for Disasters in Your Home: What to Buy, What to Skip
The Homeowner's Ultimate Guide to Natural Disaster Safety
Saving the Whole Family: Disaster Preparedness for Small & Large Animals
Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Mobility Disabilities
Hurricanes for Kids Safety Resources, Facts & Projects
Coping with Disaster

Carnegie Arts Initiative
Carnegie Historical Society
Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall
Community Services

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