Planning Commission
Paige Bevan
Keith Conover
Melvin Cook
Emily Moldovan
Phillip C. Salvato
Manager -
Stephen Beuter
Secretary -
Kellie Lesniak
Meetings - Last Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
Zoning Board
Chairman - John Fisher
Justin McKissick
Margaret Sembrat
Connie Zajicek-Wood
Christine Zofcin
Secretary - Patty Reaghard
Civil Service Commission
Chairman - Thomas Demko
Keith Hatcher
Andrew Vonada
Shade Tree Commission
Chris James
Gina James,
president Alicia Kesneck,
vice president
Nathan Kesneck
Bill Moldovan
Marlene Smith-Pendleton Peter Mullins (council)
Meetings - Third Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm |