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Issue Spotlight - Heroin / Opiate Epidemic - Click Here

From Detox to Rehab to Recovery - Click Here




Compliments of
State Representative
Anita Astorino Kulik
45th Legislative District


Coraopolis Office:
1350 5th Ave.
Coraopolis, PA 15108
(412) 264-4260
Fax: (412) 269-2767


Drug Abuse - A Guide to Understanding the Symptoms

Marijuana, Grass, Pot, Weed, Reefer, Sensemilla, Mash, Mary Jane, Ganja, Kill, Dosia

  • Physical Symptoms: Sleepiness, wandering mind, enlarged pupils, lack of coordination, craving for sweets, giggling, short-term memory loss.
  • Look For: Cigarette or rolling paper, plastic bags containing dried parsley-like material with small round seeds, strong odor of leaves, roach clips, pipe.
  • Dangers: Inducement to try stronger drugs, distorted perception, lack of interest and concentration, chromosome damage.

Amphetamines, Speed, Pep, Crank, Tweak, Rush, Crystal Meth, Pills, Methamphetamine, Ice

  • Physical Symptoms: Aggressive behavior, no appetite, rapid speech, confused thinking, dry mouth, shakiness.
  • Look For: Pills and capsules of varying color, chain smoking, needles and hypodermic syringes, cotton, burnt bottle caps and spoons, cigarette lighters, matches, needle marks on inside of arms and feet, crystalline substances that look like rock candy.
  • Dangers: Death from overdose, hallucinations, mental deterioration, drug dependence, possible exposure to AIDS virus.

Designer Drugs
These drugs are chemically different from the other drugs listed, but have the same effects. Until recently, they were not prohibited, but new laws have now designated them illegal drugs.

For Example: One designer drug, usually called Ecstasy, has similar effects to LSD.

LSD, PCP, Acid, Purple Haze, Hog, Microdot, Mescaline, Mexican Button, Cactus

  • Physical Symptoms: Severe hallucinations, feelings of detachment, incoherent speech, cold hands and feet, uncontrollable crying and laughing, vomiting.
  • Look For: Small pills and capsules of varying colors, quarter-inch squares of blotting paper (often decorated with designs), strong body odor.
  • Dangers: Suicidal tendencies, unpredictable behavior, brain and chromosome damage, hallucinations, violence.

Inhalants and Volatile Solvents, Glue, Spot Remover, Gasoline, Paint Thinner, Nitrous Oxide, Whippets

  • Physical Symptoms: Violence, drunk-like appearance, hallucinations, blank or dreamy expressions.
  • Look For: Tubes of glue, strong smell of sniffed substance on clothes and breath, paper and plastic bags with dried substance on them.
  • Dangers: Damage to lungs, brain and liver, death from suffocation or choking.

Heroin, Morphine, Smack, Horse, Hard Stuff

  • Physical Symptoms: Stupor, drowsiness, running nose, drunk-like appearance.
  • Look For: Needles and hypodermic syringes, burnt bottle caps or spoons, cotton, small plastic bags, cigarette lighters, matches, needle marks on inside of arms and feet, white powder or crystalline substances that look like rock candy.
  • Dangers: Death from overdose or contaminated drugs, mental deterioration, destruction of brain and liver, physical addiction, possible exposure to the AIDS virus.

Cocaine, Crack, Flake, Snow, Blow

  • Physical Symptoms: Short-lived pleasure followed by depression and intense craving for more cocaine, loss of appetite.
  • Look For: Needles and hypodermic syringes, burnt bottle caps or spoons, cotton, small plastic bags, cigarette lighters, matches, needle marks on inside of arms and feet, white powder or crystalline substances that look like rock candy.
  • Dangers: Same as heroin.

Alcohol, Beer, Wine, Hard Liquor, etc.

  • Physical Symptoms: Slurred speech, impaired coordination, memory lapses, impaired judgment, severe mood swings.
  • Look For: Empty cans and bottles.
  • Dangers: Physical addiction, volatile bursts of temper, hazard to those around them, long-term heavy use can result in liver damage and death.

Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, Depressants, Downers, Goof Balls, Uppers

  • Physical Symptoms: Drowsiness, stupor, dullness, slurred speech, vomiting, drunk-like appearance.
  • Look For: Pills and capsules of various colors, pills often are brand-name drugs obtained illegally such as Valium, Quaalude, Halcion and Seconal, some may involve injection rather than oral use..
  • Dangers: Death from overdose, unconsciousness, physical addiction.

Drug abuse is an epidemic that directly or indirectly threatens all Pennsylvanians, regardless of age, race, economic status or whether they live in the city or the country.

The lure of temporary "escape" or "experience" is a curtain that disguises destroyed hopes, wasted lives, broken families, violence and death.

I hope the information here helps you to make the right decision if you are tempted by drug use, or will lead you to seek help if you believe a friend or family member may be involved with illegal drugs.


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