 Compliments of State Representative
Anita Astorino Kulik 45th
Legislative District
DISTRICT OFFICE: Coraopolis Office: 1350 5th Ave. Coraopolis, PA 15108 (412) 264-4260 Fax: (412) 269-2767
The prime source for
information on services and programs that benefit older adults
in Pennsylvania is the Department of Aging. This department
operates 52 agencies serving all 67 counties in the state.
Here's a sample of
what the department can do for you:
- Telephone
Reassurance - someone will call you every day to ask about your
needs and to bring you up to date on community events.
- Transportation -
rides can be provided to your doctor's office or to a social
service agency.
The department also
can help you with employment, placement and casework services,
information on senior centers and clubs in your area, adult day
care centers, and much more. For more information, contact your
local agency.
Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging
2100 Wharton St., 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Senior Line: (412) 350-5460
Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4319
Tel: (412) 350-4234
TDD/TTY: (412) 350-2727
Department of Aging
Forum Place, 555 Walnut St.
Harrisburg, PA 17101-1919
(717) 783-1550 |
Property Tax / Rent Rebate
If you are:
- 65 or older; a widow or widower
50 or older; or 18 or older and permanently disabled; and
- A homeowner and have a total
income not exceeding $35,000 annually; or
- A renter and have a total income
not exceeding $15,000 annually,
- you may be eligible for a
property tax or rent rebate of up to $650, or even more if additional
requirements are met.
NOTE: Claimants can deduct half
of any Social Security or Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits from their income
when determining eligibility.
Prescription Assistance
If you are:
- 65 or older, and
- have an individual income from
all sources of up to $14,500 or, if married, a total income from all sources of
up to $17,700, you may be eligible for the
state's low-cost prescription plan. You pay only the first $6 ($9 for brand-name
drugs) of a prescription's cost with the state Lottery Fund paying the
A second tier covers seniors who
are single with an income of up to $23,500 and seniors who are married with
incomes up to $31,500. To receive benefits under this tier, seniors must pay a
monthly premium - averaging $37 per individual - and a copayment of $8 for
generic drugs and $15 for brand-name drugs.
Reduced Automobile
If you are:
- Retired; and
- have a total income not
exceeding $19,200 annually, you may qualify to register your
passenger vehicle or light truck for a reduced annual fee of $10 instead of the
usual registration fee.
Energy Assistance
If you own your own home or rent
a residence and meet income requirements, you may be eligible for aid in paying
heating bills through the federal
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
If you qualify, payments will be
made directly to the utility for credit to your account or, if your heat is
included in your rent, to the head of your household. Income limits and funding
availability are determined annually. Check with your county assistance office
for up-to-date information.
Hunting and Fishing Licenses
If you are:
- 65 or older, you are eligible for
reduced hunting and fishing license fees. Senior fees are $13.70 yearly for a
hunting license and $51.70 for a lifetime hunting license; $10.70 annually for a
fishing license and $51.70 for a lifetime fishing license. A three-year senior
fishing license is $31.70 and a five year license is $51.70.
Dog Licenses
In most counties, senior citizens
may purchase dog licenses for reduced fees, paying lower fees for spayed or
neutered dogs than for productive dogs. Lifetime licenses are available for a
one-time fee. To qualify for a lifetime dog license, the dog must be
microchipped or tattooed with a number on the right hind leg, upper part of
inner thigh. The tattooist's fee is additional. Contact your county courthouse
for current local fees.
Transportation Services
People 65 or older can take
advantage of free transit service on local established routes for buses,
trollies and rapid transit lines with appropriate identification. For more
information contact: Free
Transit Program for Senior Citizens
Bureau of Public Transportation
400 North St., 6th Floor, P.O. Box
3151 Harrisburg, PA
17105-3151 Phone: (717)
Area agencies on
aging also provide transportation for older people who have special needs, or
live in areas where regular mass transit services are not available. You can use
this service for rides to senior centers, medical appointments and social
If you are unable to go to your
local polling place to vote because of illness or disability, you can vote by
absentee ballot. Call Representative Anita Astorino Kulik's office at 412-264-4260 for
details. |