 Compliments of State Representative
Anita Astorino Kulik 45th
Legislative District
DISTRICT OFFICE: Coraopolis Office: 1350 5th Ave. Coraopolis, PA 15108 (412) 264-4260 Fax: (412) 269-2767

For additional information regarding the U.S. Flag, please

1923, the United States adopted a flag code, which has been
amended to instruct citizens on proper etiquette for treating,
handling and displaying the U.S. flag. The code does not contain
any penalties or enforcement provisions for non-compliance
because its aim is to show people how to best honor our nation's
flag. Below is an explanation of certain parts of the code, to
help you treat the U.S. flag respectfully.
You may fly the flag on any or
every day, but below is a list of the most appropriate days to
display the U.S. flag:
- New Year's Day - January 1
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day -
Third Monday in January
- Inauguration Day - January
- Lincoln's Birthday -
February 12
- Washington's Birthday -
Third Monday in February
- Easter Sunday - Varies
- Mothers Day - Second Monday
in May
- Peace Officers Memorial Day
(half-staff) - May 15
- Armed Forces Day - Third
Saturday in May
- Memorial Day (half-staff
until noon) - Last Monday in May
- Flag Day - June 14
- Fathers Day - Third Sunday
in June
- Independence Day - July 4
- Korean War Veterans Day
(half-staff) - July 27
- Labor Day - First Monday in
- Patriot Day (half-staff) -
September 11
- Constitution Day - September
Gold Star Mothers Day - Last
Sunday in September
- Columbus Day - Second Monday
in October
- Navy Day - October 27
- Election Day - First Tuesday
in November
- Veterans Day - November 11
- Thanksgiving Day - Fourth
Thursday in November
- National Pearl Harbor
Remembrance Day (half-staff) - December 7
Christmas Day - December 25
Most people know
that you should never display the U.S. flag upside down except
in cases of extreme distress, but here are some other guidelines
you may not know about.
- Flag lapel pins
should be worn on the left lapel to be closer to the heart.
- Flags displayed
on a wall should be shown with the union (stars) uppermost and
to the observer's left.
- In multi-national
flag situations, the U.S. flag should be displayed first (to its
own right) followed by the flags of all other countries (in
alphabetical order and at equal height) to its left.
- The flag should
always be at the top of a flag pole even when several flags are
flown from the same pole. CLICK HERE for exceptions.
- The U.S. flag
from a staff should be at the center and at the highest point
when it is displayed among a group of subordinate flags, like
those for states, schools and organizations.
When used for an
event and from a staff, the flag should be prominently displayed
to the speakers' right (facing the crowd). All other flags
should be displayed to the speaker's left.
Always dispose of
a worn flag properly, preferably by burning it.
When the Pledge
of Allegiance is recited, all non-uniformed individuals should
stand at attention facing the flag with their right hands over
their hearts, military salute.
In processions,
the flag should be to the right of the marchers. When other
flags are included, the U.S. flag should be centered in front of
the others or carried to their right.
During memorials,
burials and funerals, the flag should lay over the casket with
the blue field covering the head and left shoulder. The flag
must not be lowered into the grave or allowed to touch the
ground at any time.
Flag at Half-Staff
The flag should be flown at
half-staff only upon the death of principal figures of the U.S.
government and state governors, as well as presidential
declarations and certain holidays (see When to Display the
Private (i.e., businesses,
organizations, military, etc.) and home flags may be lowered to
honor someone who dies, but does not meet the above criteria.
Public flags should remain at full staff to uphold the "nation
in mourning" distinction.
To position the flag at
half-staff, first raise the flag to the staff's peak for one
second before lowering it to half-staff, which is halfway
between the staff's top and bottom. Before removing it for the
day, raise the flag again to the peak for one second.
The below steps explain how to
correctly fold the U.S. flag. Keep in mind that you should
always hold the flag horizontally.
1. Facing each other and holding
on to each flag's end, two people stretch the flag at waist
height horizontally and fold lengthwise in half.
Fold the flag lengthwise in half again. The edges should be held
together with the union (stars) on the outside.
3. As one person holds the flag
by the union, the other begins a triangular fold at the opposite
4. Continue the triangular fold
until the flag is a triangle with only the union showing.

Flag Facts
- The U.S.
Flag, adopted on June 14, 1777, is the fourth-oldest
national flag in the world. Denmark's flag, adopted in 1219,
is the oldest.
- The blue
field on the U.S. flag is called the "union."
- On Memorial
Day (the last Monday in May), to honor all who have died in
battle, the flag should be displayed at half-staff until
noon only, then raised to the top of the staff for the
remainder of the day.
- June 14 was
proclaimed Flag Day by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 but
it didn't receive its Congressional designation until 1949.
"No disrespect
should be shown to the Flag of the United States of America." -
U.S. Flag Code
"The flag
stands for all that we hold dear - freedom, democracy,
government of the people, by the people, and for the people." -
Henry Cabot Lodge, 1915