County Veterans Affairs
For information on
all benefits that may be due you or your dependents and to
obtain current local fees and eligibility requirements, contact
the county Veterans Affairs Office at the following address and
telephone number:
AFFAIRS OFFICE Division of Veteran Services 4141 Fifth
Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Phone: (412) 621-4357
 Compliments of State Representative
Anita Astorino Kulik 45th
Legislative District
DISTRICT OFFICE: Coraopolis Office: 1350 5th Ave. Coraopolis, PA 15108 (412) 264-4260 Fax: (412) 269-2767
https://www.pahouse.com/Kulik |
To be eligible, a veteran
- have served in the U.S. Armed or
Pennsylvania Military Forces;
- have been honorably discharged;
- be a Pennsylvania resident when
applying or have listed Pennsylvania as his/her home of record upon entry to the
military. Spouses and surviving spouses of eligible veterans also may apply.
Applications are processed on a
first-come basis. For more information, contact your county director of Veterans
Affairs or one of the following agencies:
- Bureau for Veterans Affairs
Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
(800) 54-PA-VET
- Delaware Valley Veterans Home
2702 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154 | (215) 965-5900
- Hollidaysburg Veterans Home
Rt. 220, P.O. Box 319, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 | (814) 696-5201
- Pennsylvania Soldiers' and
Sailors' Home
560 E.
Third St., P.O. Box 6239, Erie, PA 16512-6239 | (814) 871-4531
- Gino J. Merli (Northeastern)
Veterans Center
401 Penn Ave., Scranton, PA 18503 | (570) 961-4300
- Southwestern Veterans Center
7060 Highland Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 | (412) 665-6706
- Southeastern Veterans Center
One Veterans Drive, Spring City, PA 19475-1230 | (610) 948-2400
Federal VA Benefits - Toll Free
(800) 827-1000 -
The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs and local county veterans offices provide
assistance to Pennsylvania veterans and their widows and children in receiving
benefits for which they are eligible.
PA Bureau for Veterans Affairs
- Philadelphia Field Office
Adjutant General's Office Veterans Administration Center Wissahickon Ave.
& Manheim St. P.O. Box 42938 Philadelphia, PA 19101 (215) 381-3040
Toll Free: 1-866-754-8637 Fax: (215) 381-3492
PA Bureau for Veterans Affairs
- Pittsburgh Field Office
Adjutant Genera's Office 1000 Liberty Ave., Room 1612 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 395-6225 Toll Free: 1-866-754-8636 Fax: (412) 395-6224
PA Bureau for Veterans Affairs
- Ft. Indiantown Gap Field Office
Office of the Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans Affairs Bldg. S-O-47, FTIG
Annville, PA 17003 (717) 861-8901 Toll Free: 1-800-547-2838 Fax: (717)